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Reporting Internships

Please complete a short Qualtrics survey to report your internship.

Reporting Post-Graduation Plans

Each year, we collect data from all College of Human Sciences graduates regarding employment, continuing education, location, salary, and more.

This information is used in aggregated data reports, and your name will never appear in the report. The data is used for many important purposes, including program accreditation, university and college statistics, current and prospective student questions, and more.

Click on your graduation date below and complete the survey.

You may also send an email with your plans to

Employment Statistics

Highlights from the 2018-2019 academic year:

  • 94% of reporting bachelor’s graduates achieved positive career outcomes within six months of graduation. 70% of these graduates reported that they had accepted employment, and 22% were continuing their education.
  • 98% of reporting master’s and 97% of reporting Ph.D. graduates achieved positive career outcomes within six months of graduation.

Positive career outcomes: The term “positive career outcomes” includes full or part-time/temporary employment, acceptance into graduate/professional school, additional undergraduate education, acceptance into an accredited dietetic internship program, and volunteer service.




Internship reports





Need More Information?

Human Sciences Career Services

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078
